Monday, 10 November 2014

Blog reflection.

Today I have been learning about how to set up my own blog to record my personal professional development. I did this as a part of James Streets Schools Teacher Only Day. The purpose of the blog is to record my PD and to share ideas with my colleges. I am looking forward to adding future posts and making the most of this resource.
We collaborated on this document today to list all of our blog addresses and ideas on how to ensure we are using this tool effectively and regularly. Click here


  1. Looking forward to seeing your great blog - you are a very reflective teacher!!

  2. I know you will get a lot from this learning journey, Amber. Looking forward to seeing how you are travelling!

  3. Hi Amber! Love the look of your blog and great to see you are using it to share your journey and that of your school/learners. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask . Cheers.
