Saturday, 14 March 2015

eAstle and GGL Parents meeting

Today at staff meeting we watched a video outlining how the updated eAstle writing assessment works. We will be doing further PD on this in term 2. I have used Astle before at my previous school and am looking forward to using it at James Street as I really liked using it. I lead the second half of the meeting as we feedback on the last fortnights GGL data and feedback on the GGL parents meeting. The GGL parents meeting had 8 attending and was very positive. Norah presented a power point on the origins of GGL and how we have progressed through the programme, parents were then able to ask questions. The final part of the meeting involved me giving the parents a tour through my room, Ponga and outside to look at the visuals used to support the programme. In response to a parents query about how we inform parents of when their child has received a major referral, we have now asked staff to contact parents after a child has received their third referral. The highlighted again the importance of making those positive phone calls in between.
GGL Parent Meeting Power Point

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